
Home all is a metaphor for a place in time and space where conversations and dialogues on sensitive issues can take place. Transformative means making a significant change beyond addressing the immediate issues. The process supports dialogue that leads all parties to a better understanding of the issues, clarity on next steps forward, and more respect for each other. Facilitation is by team members with training on identifying and addressing those obstacles that impede cooperation. We are guided by the concept of Nurturing…. making a conscious connection with someone, being concerned about their life and well being, and that our behavior supports and does not limit options in their quest for the good life.  

It’s our nature to nurture R

Examples of Services and Approaches using the Transformative Mediation and resolution process

  1. Discussion & Conflict
  2. Business Disputes
  3. Gridlock
  4. Racism, Sexism, Stereotypes, & White Privilege
  5. Improving Communications Skills
  6. Advocates Needing Lobbying Advice
  7. Team Building
  8. Thoughts to reflect and practice

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